Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Incursion
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 TU19 update brought several significant changes and additions to the game. Our team worked on the new incursion mode over the course of TU19 development timeline
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 TU19 update brought several significant changes and additions to the game. Our team worked on the new incursion mode over the course of TU19 development timeline
Vaas: Insanity - like the Pagan: Control and Joseph: Collapse episodes that followed it - is a story-driven, roguelite-inspired experience that takes place in side the iconic villains' last few min...
An Ability Framework in Unreal Engine 4 that fully supports Networks. The framework is intended for Designers to expand with and create new abilities without worrying about network and basic setups...
Master thesis project on how to control player tension with dynamic difficulty adjustment in Divinity: Original Sin 2
“Miner Cave” is a hack & slash action RPG style game mode in DotA2, with fast-paced combat and RNG-based horde, the player will experience a 15 minutes long campaign
This project is an archived student project, the content here is considered obsolete. Final Result Final Result Final Result A quick level concept composition practice with Flowscape, both sc...
a flexible and believable exponential fog in Unreal Engine 4 based on Direct3D 9's Exponential Fog Equation
The level "Train Station" belongs to the campaign "Finalstop", and is served as the first level. The whole campaign includes 4 levels, respectively they are Train Station, Sewer, Swamp, and Prison,...
Multiplayer PVP Level Design (CTF Mode) - Unreal Tournament 4 Editor
A python GUI for auto packaging Left4Dead 2 vpk mods