Multiplayer PVP Level Design
Multiplayer PVP Level Design (CTF Mode) - Unreal Tournament 4 Editor
Multiplayer PVP Level Design
This project is an archived student project, the content here is considered obsolete.
- Engine: Unreal Tournament 4 Editor
- Duration: 2018/10 - 2019/2 (4 months)
- Total Work: ~144 hrs
Post Mortem
What Went Well
- The layout design is organic and encourages players to roam around the level
- The layout encourages players to strategically play offensive or defensive move
- The aesthetic is consistent
- Two small bases, one giant midground, multiple branches, and alternative routes, push players to make a meaningful decision
What Went Wrong
- The unaligned grid results in mesh clipping and lighting problems.
- Lack of post-process effect
- Interior lighting needs polish
What I Learnt
- Multiplayer PVP level design is to encourage both players to make meaningful choices
- LoS blockers help hide and rearrange different paths for both teams
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